Monday, May 20, 2024

Configure JDBC connection with Microsoft SQL Server (Integration Server 10.7)

Connection  to MSSQL database is not out of box feature .To apply it first you need to download the JDBC Driver jar from Microsoft site  then you need add it under lib folder and restart the server . 

Lib Path is : C:\yourSAGHome\IntegrationServer\instances\default\lib\jars

After the restart the server will be able to load the new jar and make it available for future use .

Steps in Details


2-Unzip the file then copy file mssql-jdbc-11.2.3.jre8 to the following paths (in each integration server node) .

        C:\yourSAGHome\IntegrationServer\lib C:\yourSAGHome\IntegrationServer\instances\default\lib\jars

3-Restart the server 4-login to the server and go to Adapters –> webMethods Adapter for JDBC --> 5- click Configure New Connection link then choose webMethods Adapter for JDBC Connection

6-fill configuration details :   


7-Click test connection and enable connect

Enjoy Your SQL Connection !

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